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The ALIGN panel is designed to help with both spatial and angular alignment of scan with respect to objective lens used on laser scanning microscope.


These display values of the variables, which are originally loaded on ScanImage startup from the INI File. These offset angles are generally used to represent a global alignment of the scanner, e.g alignment to the objective's optical axis or to some reference video image.
(info) This is an INI file variable since this should generally be a shared alignment among users of rig

(Angular scan alignment in back focal plane; spatial scan alignment in image plane)

Pressing this button will add the current values of on the panel to the values, using the current value on the Configuration panel to correctly map Fast/Slow axes to X/Y scanners. The values are then reset to 0 following this update.

This operation:

  • Does not shift the scan – the values are simply transferred to the
  • Does not change the value in the INI File. To do this, must be pressed.

In general, users will translate image laterally using controls during FOCUS until satsifactory centration is reached. When this occurs, the user presses , and then additionally if it's desired to save the centration for future ScanImage sessions.

(Spatial scan alignment in back focal plane; angular scan alignment in image plane)

Pressing this button will:

  • Position scanner to angle specified by current values of
  • Open shutter (if available)
  • Transmit through Pockels (if available) at current level specified by in the Power Controls panel

(info) All Beams will be transmitted, if more than one Beam is configured for use

The button will switch to until pressed again, closing shutter, blocking Pockels and repositioning scanners to the (relative to the ) values in the INI File.

The tool allows one to, for instance, measure the power of beam at back focal aperture and assess its centration with respect to the optical axis.

Changes to via the operation take effect immediately, but only apply to the current ScanImage session. To store the updated values to the INI File, press . This actually overwrites the previous value in the file that was opened when ScanImage was started.

Selecting this will restore the to values that were last saved to the INI File (including if saved via ).

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