ScanImage 3.7 adds several new features and includes architectural changes that lay the foundation for further new features in future releases.
Functionally, ScanImage 3.7 is very similar to 3.6, so the transition should be fairly straightforward. There are [changes and other recommended steps] in upgrading to 3.7 from 3.5.x or 3.6.x.
Note, however, that existing users of 3.5.x or 3.6.x may want to defer upgrading to ScanImage 3.8 (expected spring or early summer of 2011), which will have further new features. New users, and existing users who can benefit from the new features (listed below) should use ScanImage 3.7.
As always, users should note the Matlab & National Instruments version compatibility before using ScanImage 3.7.
Major Changes
- RTSI7 should be used for clock synchronization, rather than RTSI 6
- Scan Amplitude values replaced by Scan Angular Range values, now representing full (peak-peak) optical angular range (not half-angle as before)
Major Enhancements
- Matlab DAQ Toolbox
is no longer required. ScanImage interfaces to NI DAQ hardware using a new Matlab device adaptor package
which has been developed for the NI DAQmx driver
. See Notes on Architectural Changes.
- Automatic power adjustment during stack collection
- Export of line/frame/pixel clock signals
- External triggering enhancements, including Next Triggering
- Continuous file streaming improvements, including support for stacks and a configurable running data buffer
- Enhanced User Functions capability, supporting a much greater number of events during ScanImage operation
- Enhanced Fast Configurations
- Compatibility with latest Matlab (2010b) and DAQmx (9.2.2)
- Compatibility with X series boards, for the second DAQ board (for Pockels and/or more clock signals)
Other Enhancements
- Support for 4096 pixels/line
- Slider control adjustment of power (optionally) allowed during FOCUS operation
- Support for case where shutter is located before EOM/Pockels
- Improved EOM/Pockels calibration robustness
- Initial support for Sutter MPC-200 and Scientifica stage controllers
- Improved default path handling for file selection dialogs
- Ability to set root file path to use for initial Set Save Path... operation
- Separate mapping of 1) Channel 0/1 to X/Y scanners (INI file) and 2) X/Y scanners to Fast/Slow axes (CONFIGURATION dialog)
- External trigger timeout is now a USR setting, not an INI file variable
- FOCUS acquisition capability in midst of LOOP acquisition Repeat Period has been restored
- PowerBox BoxOff array values were not independent across beams
- Handle Discard Flyback Line option correctly for Channel Merge display window
Notes on Architectural Changes
ScanImage 3.6 has been developed primarily to support fast raster scanning – bidirectional scanning, in particular, as well as faster sawtooth scanning – providing a 4x increase in the line scan rate compared to ScanImage 3.5 and earlier versions (0.5ms/line vs 2ms/line typically used in earlier versions).
ScanImage 3.6 makes significant changes to core scanning functionality. There are both changes at the user interface level (the CONFIGURATION dialog is completely revamped) as well as under the hood. Users familiar with earlier releases should expect a short learning period to become familiar with the new scan parameters and user interface.
ScanImage 3.6 adds significant performance enhancements to the 'streaming' functions – those which are executed as callbacks to process incoming data during live acquisition. As a result, display/processing/disk-logging can be sustained for high frame rate imaging, up to >60fps, using readily available and inexpensive computer hardware.
ScanImage 3.6 removes several features that were visible in earlier versions: PowerBox Stepper, ROI Cycler, UncagingMapper, and Custom Timings. These specialty features have not been widely used/tested to include with the current release. They may be recapitulated in the future. In addition, ScanImage 3.6 disables Cycle mode operation, which provides ability to program stage movements between acquisitions. However, Cycle mode operation has been restored and tested in ScanImage 3.5.1, which is being co-released with ScanImage 3.6. It is planned to add Cycle mode operation back to a future ScanImage release.