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This gui provides tools for organizing the filing system for saving data files to directories, and some ancillary functions.



Directory, Browse

Use this to select the directory for saving data files. 


An optional convenience tool -- increment this as desired during an experiment as a way to delineate experimental epochs (e.g. pre- vs post-drug application, etc.).

Initials, Experiment #, Set ID, Acquisition #

File names for Ephus data files are made by combining the text strings in these windows, plus the *.xsg extension. The Acquisition # shows the number of the next acquisition, and is automatically incremented after each acuisition. The pushbuttons to the right provide an easy way to zero or increment the current values.

Add To Path, Concat

Checking these will sort the data files into sub-directories. 

New Cell Button ('+' on yellow button for Experiment #)

Zeros the Set ID and Acquisition #'s, increments the Experiment # by 1, and refreshes the Autonotes. 


When checked, data will be saved to *.xsg data files. (warning) When unchecked, data will not be saved to disk.


Checking this prior to loading a configuration file for this program (i.e., by selecting a xsg.settings file via File>Program Manager>Load Configuration) causes the previously configured path information to be used to configure the Directory window. If this is not checked, the currently used path as displayed in the Directory window is retained.


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