ScanImage requires an initialization (INI) file, usually named standard.ini, to be selected at startup. This file specifies values for configuration variables which do not require adjustment during program execution. Typically, a ScanImage installation (a 'rig') requires only one standard.ini file, whereas multiple configuration (CFG) and user (USR) files are common and desirable.
ScanImage r3.5 introduces some changes to the way INI files are handled. In addition, the frequently-modified variable section of the model INI file has been modified (simplified).
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Changes in INI File Handling
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Frequently Modified Variables
The INI file contains a large number of variables. Only a small number of these typically require any adjustment for a ScanImage installation. These variables are clearly grouped at the beginning of the standard_model.ini file.
ScanImage r3.5 has added a few and removed several variables from this frequently-modified section. nbsp; [
View Frequently Modified Section of Standard.INI File