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Snapshot: 2012-01-18
Current total: 105
- Andermann, Mark L., Kerlin, A. M., Roumis, D. K., Glickfeld, L. L., & Reid, R. C. (2011). Functional Specialization of Mouse Higher Visual Cortical Areas. Neuron, 72(6), 1025-1039.
- Andermann, M.L., Kerlin, A. M., & Reid, R. (2010). Chronic cellular imaging of mouse visual cortex during operant behavior and passive viewing. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 4. Frontiers Research Foundation.
- Arttamangkul, Seksiri, Lau, E. K., Lu, H.W., & Williams, J. T. (2011). Desensitization and Trafficking of mu-opioid Receptors in Locus Coeruleus Neurons: Modulation by Kinases. Molecular pharmacology, mol.111.076208.
- Arttamangkul, S., Quillinan, N., Low, M. J., von Zastrow, M., Pintar, J., & Williams, J. T. (2008). Differential activation and trafficking of $\mu$-opioid receptors in brain slices. Molecular pharmacology, 74(4), 972. ASPET.
- Arttamangkul, S., Torrecilla, M., Kobayashi, K., Okano, H., & Williams, J. T. (2006). Separation of $\mu$-Opioid Receptor Desensitization and Internalization: Endogenous Receptors in Primary Neuronal Cultures. The Journal of neuroscience, 26(15), 4118. Soc Neuroscience.
- Bigelow, A. (2008). Microbeam-integrated multiphoton imaging system. Review of Scientific ....
- Birbach, A. (2006). Reversible, activity-dependent targeting of profilin to neuronal nuclei. Experimental cell research.
- Blumhagen, F., Zhu, P., Shum, J., Schärer, Y.-P. Z., Yaksi, E., Deisseroth, K., & Friedrich, R. W. (2011). Neuronal filtering of multiplexed odour representations. Nature, 479(7374), 493-498. Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.
- Borghuis, B. G., Tian, L., Xu, Y., Nikonov, S. S., Vardi, N., Zemelman, B. V., & Looger, L. L. (2011). Imaging light responses of targeted neuron populations in the rodent retina. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31(8), 2855-67. Society for Neuroscience.
- Brünig, I., Kaech, S., Brinkhaus, H., Oertner, T. G., & Matus, A. (2004). Influx of extracellular calcium regulates actin-dependent morphological plasticity in dendritic spines. Neuropharmacology, 47(5), 669--676. Elsevier.
- Bullen, A. (2009). Two-photon imaging of the immune system: a custom technology platform for high-speed, multicolor tissue imaging of immune responses. Visualizing Immunity.
- Bégin, S., Burgoyne, B., Mercier, V., Villeneuve, A., Vallée, R., & Côté, D. (2011). Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering hyperspectral tissue imaging with a wavelength-swept system. Biomedical optics express, 2(5), 1296-306. OSA. doi:10.1364/BOE.2.001296
- Carter, A. G., Soler-Llavina, G. J., & Sabatini, B. L. (2007). Timing and location of synaptic inputs determine modes of subthreshold integration in striatal medium spiny neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(33), 8967. Soc Neuroscience.
- Chia, T. H., & Levene, M. J. (2009). In vivo imaging of deep cortical layers using a microprism. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (30).
- Chia, T., & Levene, M. (2009). Microprisms for in vivo multilayer cortical imaging. Journal of neurophysiology.
- Chowdhury, T. G., Jimenez, J. C., Bomar, J. M., Cruz-Martin, A., Cantle, J. P., & Portera-Cailliau, C. (2010). Fate of cajal-retzius neurons in the postnatal mouse neocortex. Frontiers in neuroanatomy, 4, 10.
- Christie, J. M., & Jahr, C. E. (2008). Dendritic NMDA receptors activate axonal calcium channels. Neuron, 60(2), 298--307. Elsevier.
- Christie, J. M., & Jahr, C. E. (2009). Selective expression of ligand-gated ion channels in L5 pyramidal cell axons. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(37), 11441. Soc Neuroscience.
- Cruz-Martín, A. (2010). Delayed stabilization of dendritic spines in fragile X mice. The Journal of ....
- De Paola, V., Holtmaat, A., Knott, G., Song, S., Wilbrecht, L., Caroni, P., & Svoboda, K. (2006). Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and boutons in the adult neocortex. Neuron, 49(6), 861--875. Elsevier.
- Ding, J. B., Takasaki, K. T., & Sabatini, B. L. (2009). Supraresolution imaging in brain slices using stimulated-emission depletion two-photon laser scanning microscopy. Neuron, 63(4), 429--437. Elsevier.
- Dombeck, Daniel A, Harvey, C. D., Tian, L., Looger, L. L., & Tank, D. W. (2010). Functional imaging of hippocampal place cells at cellular resolution during virtual navigation. Nature neuroscience, 13(11), 1433-40. Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.
- Dombeck, D.A., Khabbaz, A. N., Collman, F., Adelman, T. L., & Tank, D. W. (2007). Imaging large-scale neural activity with cellular resolution in awake, mobile mice. Neuron, 56(1), 43--57. Elsevier.
- Dorostkar, M. M. M., Dreosti, E., Odermatt, B., & Lagnado, L. (2010). Computational processing of optical measurements of neuronal and synaptic activity in networks. Journal of neuroscience ..., 188(1), 141-50.
- Dubuis, J., Morrison, A. H., Scheeler, M., & Gregor, T. (2010). Quantifying the Bicoid morphogen gradient in living fly embryos. Arxiv preprint arXiv:1003.5572.
- Egger, V., Svoboda, K., & Mainen, Z. F. (2005). Dendrodendritic synaptic signals in olfactory bulb granule cells: local spine boost and global low-threshold spike. The journal of neuroscience, 25(14), 3521. Soc Neuroscience.
- Egger, Veronica, Svoboda, K., & Mainen, Z. F. Z. F. (2003). Mechanisms of Lateral Inhibition in the Olfactory Bulb: Efficiency and Modulation of Spike-Evoked Calcium Influx into Granule Cells. The Journal of neuroscience, 23(20), 7551-7558. Soc Neuroscience.
- Gandhi, S. P., Yanagawa, Y., & Stryker, M. P. (2008). Delayed plasticity of inhibitory neurons in developing visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(43), 16797. National Acad Sciences.
- Golshani, P., Gonçalves, J. T., Khoshkhoo, S., Mostany, R., Smirnakis, S., & Portera-Cailliau, C. (2009). Internally mediated developmental desynchronization of neocortical network activity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(35), 10890. Soc Neuroscience.
- Golshani, Peyman, & Portera-Cailliau, C. (2008). In vivo 2-photon calcium imaging in layer 2/3 of mice. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (13).
- Gray, N. W., Weimer, R. M., Bureau, I., & Svoboda, K. (2006). Rapid redistribution of synaptic PSD-95 in the neocortex in vivo. PLoS Biology, 4(11), e370.
- Gregor, T., Tank, D. W., Wieschaus, E. F., & Bialek, W. (2007). Probing the limits to positional information. Cell, 130(1), 153--164. Elsevier.
- Grunditz, Å., Holbro, N., Tian, L., Zuo, Y., & Oertner, T. G. (2008). Spine neck plasticity controls postsynaptic calcium signals through electrical compartmentalization. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(50), 13457. Soc Neuroscience.
- Harvey, C.D., & Svoboda, K. (2007). Locally dynamic synaptic learning rules in pyramidal neuron dendrites. Nature, 450(7173), 1195--1200. Nature Publishing Group.
- Harvey, C.D., Ehrhardt, A. G., Cellurale, C., Zhong, H., Yasuda, R., Davis, R. J., & Svoboda, K. (2008). A genetically encoded fluorescent sensor of ERK activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(49), 19264. National Acad Sciences.
- Heider, B., Nathanson, J. L., Isacoff, E. Y., Callaway, E. M., & Siegel, R. M. (2010). Two-Photon Imaging of Calcium in Virally Transfected Striate Cortical Neurons of Behaving Monkey. PloS one, 5(11), e13829.
- Helmchen, Fritjof, & Denk, W. (2005). Deep tissue two-photon microscopy. Nature methods, 2(12), 932-40.
- Heneka, M., & Nadrigny, F. (2010). Locus ceruleus controls Alzheimer's disease pathology by modulating microglial functions through norepinephrine. Proceedings of the ....
- Higley, M. J. M., Soler-Llavina, G. J., & Sabatini, B. L. (2009). Cholinergic modulation of multivesicular release regulates striatal synaptic potency and integration. Nature neuroscience, 12(9), 1121-8. Nature Publishing Group.
- Higley, M. J., & Sabatini, B. L. (2010). Competitive regulation of synaptic Ca2+ influx by D2 dopamine and A2A adenosine receptors. Nature neuroscience, 13(8), 958-66. Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.
- Hillman, E. M. C. (2007). Optical brain imaging in vivo: techniques and applications from animal to man. Journal of biomedical optics, 12, 051402.
- Holbro, Niklaus, Grunditz, A., Wiegert, J. S., & Oertner, T. G. (2010). AMPA receptors gate spine Ca(2+) transients and spike-timing-dependent potentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(36), 15975-80.
- Holbro, N., Grunditz, Å., & Oertner, T. G. (2009). Differential distribution of endoplasmic reticulum controls metabotropic signaling and plasticity at hippocampal synapses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(35), 15055. National Acad Sciences.
- Holtmaat, A. J. G. D., Trachtenberg, J. T., Wilbrecht, L., Shepherd, G. M., Zhang, X., Knott, G. W., & Svoboda, K. (2005). Transient and persistent dendritic spines in the neocortex in vivo. Neuron, 45(2), 279-91.
- Holtmaat, A., Bonhoeffer, T., Chow, D. K., Chuckowree, J., De Paola, V., Hofer, S. B., Hübener, M., et al. (2009). Long-term, high-resolution imaging in the mouse neocortex through a chronic cranial window. Nature protocols, 4(8), 1128--1144. Nature Publishing Group.
- Holtmaat, Anthony, Wilbrecht, L., Knott, G. W., Welker, E., & Svoboda, K. (2006). Experience-dependent and cell-type-specific spine growth in the neocortex. Nature, 441(7096), 979-83. Nature Publishing Group.
- Hoogland, T. M., Kuhn, B., Göbel, W., Huang, W., Nakai, J., Helmchen, F., Flint, J., et al. (2009). Radially expanding transglial calcium waves in the intact cerebellum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(9), 3496. National Acad Sciences.
- Huber, D., Petreanu, L., Ghitani, N., Ranade, S., Hromádka, T., Mainen, Z., & Svoboda, K. (2007). Sparse optical microstimulation in barrel cortex drives learned behaviour in freely moving mice. Nature, 451(7174), 61--64. Nature Publishing Group.
- Judkewitz, B., Rizzi, M., Kitamura, K., & Häusser, M. (2009). Targeted single-cell electroporation of mammalian neurons in vivo. Nature protocols, 4(6), 862-9. Nature Publishing Group.
- Kerlin, Aaron M, Andermann, M. L., Berezovskii, V. K., & Reid, R. C. (2010). Broadly tuned response properties of diverse inhibitory neuron subtypes in mouse visual cortex. Neuron, 67(5), 858-71.
- Kitamura, K., & Hausser, M. (2011). Dendritic Calcium Signaling Triggered by Spontaneous and Sensory-Evoked Climbing Fiber Input to Cerebellar Purkinje Cells In Vivo. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(30), 10847-10858. Society for Neuroscience.
- Ko, A., & Ridsdale, A. (2010). Multimodal nonlinear optical imaging of atherosclerotic plaque development in myocardial infarction-prone rabbits. Journal of Biomedical ....
- Kuhlman, S. J., & Huang, Z. J. (2008). High-resolution labeling and functional manipulation of specific neuron types in mouse brain by Cre-activated viral gene expression. PLoS One, 3(4), e2005.
- Liu, C. C., Gao, S. S., Yuan, T., Steele, C., Puria, S., & Oghalai, J. S. (2011). Biophysical mechanisms underlying outer hair cell loss associated with a shortened tectorial membrane. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, 12(5), 577-94. Springer New York.
- Livnat, N., Sarig-Nadir, O., Zajdman, R., Seliktar, D., & Shoham, S. (2007). A Hydrogel-Based Nerve Regeneration Conduit with Sub-Micrometer Feature Control. 2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (pp. 101-103). IEEE.
- Major, G., & Polsky, A. (2008). Spatiotemporally graded NMDA spike/plateau potentials in basal dendrites of neocortical pyramidal neurons. Journal of ....
- Mao, T., O'Connor, D. H., Scheuss, V., Nakai, J., & Svoboda, K. (2008). Characterization and subcellular targeting of GCaMP-type genetically-encoded calcium indicators. PLoS One, 3(3), e1796.
- Marshel, J. H., Garrett, M. E., Nauhaus, I., & Callaway, E. M. (2011). Functional Specialization of Seven Mouse Visual Cortical Areas. Neuron, 72(6), 1040-1054.
- Martin, S. M., O'Brien, G. S., Portera-Cailliau, C., & Sagasti, A. (2010). Wallerian degeneration of zebrafish trigeminal axons in the skin is required for regeneration and developmental pruning. Development (Cambridge, England), 137(23), 3985-94.
- Matter, C., & Pribadi, M. (2009). -Catenin Is Required for the Maintenance of Neural Structure and Function in Mature Cortex In Vivo. Neuron.
- Mostany, Ricardo, & Portera-Cailliau, C. (2011). Absence of large-scale dendritic plasticity of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in peri-infarct cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31(5), 1734-8.
- Mostaço-Guidolin, L. B., Sowa, M. G., Ridsdale, A., Pegoraro, A. F., Smith, M. S. D., Hewko, M. D., Kohlenberg, E. K., et al. (2010). Differentiating atherosclerotic plaque burden in arterial tissues using femtosecond CARS-based multimodal nonlinear optical imaging. Biomedical optics express, 1(1), 59-73. OSA.
- Ngo-Anh, T. J., Bloodgood, B. L., Lin, M., Sabatini, B. L., Maylie, J., & Adelman, J. P. (2005). SK channels and NMDA receptors form a Ca2+-mediated feedback loop in dendritic spines. Nature neuroscience, 8(5), 642-9.
- Niessing, J., & Friedrich, R. W. (2010). Olfactory pattern classification by discrete neuronal network states. Nature, 465(7294), 47-52. Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
- Nimchinsky, E. A., Yasuda, R., Oertner, T. G., & Svoboda, K. (2004). The number of glutamate receptors opened by synaptic stimulation in single hippocampal spines. The Journal of neuroscience, 24(8), 2054. Soc Neuroscience.
- Oheim, M., Michael, D. J., Geisbauer, M., Madsen, D., & Chow, R. H. (2006). Principles of two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy and other nonlinear imaging approaches. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 58(7), 788--808. Elsevier.
- Ohki, K., Chung, S., Ch'ng, Y. H., Kara, P., & Reid, R. C. (2005). Functional imaging with cellular resolution reveals precise micro-architecture in visual cortex. Nature, 433(7026), 597-603.
- O'Brien, G., & Rieger, S. (2009). Two-photon axotomy and time-lapse confocal imaging in live zebrafish embryos. Journal of Visualized ....
- O'Connor, Daniel H, Peron, S. P., Huber, D., & Svoboda, K. (2010). Neural activity in barrel cortex underlying vibrissa-based object localization in mice. Neuron, 67(6), 1048-61.
- Papageorgas, P. (2006). A high-performance imaging and control system for a micromirror-based laser-scanning endoscope device. Instrumentation and ....
- Parra, S. G., Chia, T. H., Zinter, J. P., & Levene, M. J. (2010). Multiphoton microscopy of cleared mouse organs. Journal of biomedical optics, 15(3), 036017.
- Patterson, M. (2010). AMPA receptors are exocytosed in stimulated spines and adjacent dendrites in a Ras-ERK--dependent manner during long-term potentiation. Proceedings of the ....
- Peñagarikano, O., Abrahams, B. S., Herman, E. I., Winden, K. D., Gdalyahu, A., Dong, H., Sonnenblick, L. I., et al. (2011). Absence of CNTNAP2 Leads to Epilepsy, Neuronal Migration Abnormalities, and Core Autism-Related Deficits. Cell, 147(1), 235-246.
Pologruto, T. A., Yasuda, R., & Svoboda, K. (2004). Monitoring neural activity and [Ca2+] with genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators. The Journal of neuroscience, 24(43), 9572. Soc Neuroscience.
- Portera-Cailliau, C., Weimer, R. M., De Paola, V., Caroni, P., & Svoboda, K. (2005). Diverse modes of axon elaboration in the developing neocortex. PLoS Biology, 3(8), e272. Public Library of Science.
- Pugh, J. R., & Jahr, C. E. (2011). NMDA Receptor Agonists Fail To Alter Release from Cerebellar Basket Cells. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(46), 16550-16555. Society for Neuroscience.
- Pugh, Jason R, & Jahr, C. E. (2011). Axonal GABAA receptors increase cerebellar granule cell excitability and synaptic activity. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31(2), 565-74.
- Ramsey, A. J. A. J., Milenkovic, M., Oliveira, A. F. A. F., Escobedo-Lozoya, Y., Seshadri, S., Salahpour, A., Sawa, A., et al. (2011). Impaired NMDA receptor transmission alters striatal synapses and DISC1 protein in an age-dependent manner. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(14), 5795. National Acad Sciences.
- Riegel, A. C., & Williams, J. T. (2008). CRF facilitates calcium release from intracellular stores in midbrain dopamine neurons. Neuron, 57(4), 559--570. Elsevier.
- Sato, Takashi R, & Svoboda, K. (2010). The functional properties of barrel cortex neurons projecting to the primary motor cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30(12), 4256-60.
- Sato, T.R., Gray, N. W., Mainen, Z. F., & Svoboda, K. (2007). The functional microarchitecture of the mouse barrel cortex. PLoS biology, 5(7), e189.
Scheuss, V., Yasuda, R., Sobczyk, A., & Svoboda, K. (2006). Nonlinear [Ca2+] signaling in dendrites and spines caused by activity-dependent depression of Ca2+ extrusion. The Journal of neuroscience, 26(31), 8183. Society for Neuroscience.
- Schoenenberger, P., Gerosa, D., & Oertner, T. G. (2009). Temporal control of immediate early gene induction by light. PLoS One, 4(12), e8185. Public Library of Science.
- Schultz, S., & Kitamura, K. (2009). Spatial pattern coding of sensory information by climbing fiber-evoked calcium signals in networks of neighboring cerebellar Purkinje cells. The Journal of ....
- Seelig, J., Chiappe, M., & Lott, G. (2010). Two-photon calcium imaging from head-fixed Drosophila during optomotor walking behavior. Nature methods.
- Simons, S. (2009). Regional differences in hippocampal calcium handling provide a cellular mechanism for limiting plasticity. Proceedings of the ....
- Sjöström, P. J., & Häusser, M. (2006). A cooperative switch determines the sign of synaptic plasticity in distal dendrites of neocortical pyramidal neurons. Neuron, 51(2), 227-38.
- Sobczyk, A., & Svoboda, K. (2007). Activity-dependent plasticity of the NMDA-receptor fractional Ca2+ current. Neuron, 53(1), 17--24. Elsevier.
Sobczyk, A., Scheuss, V., & Svoboda, K. (2005). NMDA receptor subunit-dependent [Ca2+] signaling in individual hippocampal dendritic spines. The Journal of neuroscience, 25(26), 6037. Society for Neuroscience.
- Soler-Llavina, Gilberto J, & Sabatini, B. L. (2006). Synapse-specific plasticity and compartmentalized signaling in cerebellar stellate cells. Nature neuroscience, 9(6), 798-806. Nature Publishing Group.
- Svoboda, Karel, & Yasuda, R. (2006). Principles of two-photon excitation microscopy and its applications to neuroscience. Neuron, 50(6), 823-39.
- Truong, T., Supatto, W., & Koos, D. (2011). Deep and fast live imaging with two-photon scanned light-sheet microscopy. Nature Methods.
- Vigot, R., Barbieri, S., Bräuner-Osborne, H., Turecek, R., Shigemoto, R., Zhang, Y. P., Luján, R., et al. (2006). Differential compartmentalization and distinct functions of GABAB receptor variants. Neuron, 50(4), 589--601. Elsevier.
- Virk, M., & Arttamangkul, S. (2009). Buprenorphine is a weak partial agonist that inhibits opioid receptor desensitization. The Journal of ....
- Wang, Y., Guo, H. F., Pologruto, T. A., Hannan, F., Hakker, I., Svoboda, K., & Zhong, Y. (2004). Stereotyped odor-evoked activity in the mushroom body of Drosophila revealed by green fluorescent protein-based Ca2+ imaging. The Journal of neuroscience, 24(29), 6507. Soc Neuroscience.
- Wiechert, M. T., Judkewitz, B., Riecke, H., & Friedrich, R. W. (2010). Mechanisms of pattern decorrelation by recurrent neuronal circuits. Nature neuroscience, 13(8), 1003-10. Nature Publishing Group.
- Wilbrecht, L, & Holtmaat, A. (2010). Structural plasticity underlies experience-dependent functional plasticity of cortical circuits. The Journal of ....
- Woods, G. F., Oh, W. C., Boudewyn, L. C., Mikula, S. K., & Zito, K. (2011). Loss of PSD-95 Enrichment Is Not a Prerequisite for Spine Retraction. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(34), 12129-12138. Society for Neuroscience.
- Xia, A., Gao, S., & Yuan, T. (2010). Deficient forward transduction and enhanced reverse transduction in the alpha tectorin C1509G human hearing loss mutation. Disease models & ....
- Yasuda, R., Harvey, C. D., Zhong, H., Sobczyk, A., Van Aelst, L., & Svoboda, K. (2006). Supersensitive Ras activation in dendrites and spines revealed by two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging. Nature neuroscience, 9(2), 283--291. Nature Publishing Group.
- Yu, Y. J., Arttamangkul, S., Evans, C. J., Williams, J. T., & von Zastrow, M. (2009). Neurokinin 1 receptors regulate morphine-induced endocytosis and desensitization of mu-opioid receptors in CNS neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29(1), 222-33.
- Yuan, T, & Gao, S. (2010). Calcium imaging of inner ear hair cells within the cochlear epithelium of mice using two-photon microscopy. Journal of biomedical optics.
- Zhong, H., Sia, G. M., Sato, T. R., Gray, N. W., Mao, T., Khuchua, Z., Huganir, R. L., et al. (2009). Subcellular dynamics of type II PKA in neurons. Neuron, 62(3), 363--374. Elsevier.
- Zito, K., Scheuss, V., Knott, G., Hill, T., & Svoboda, K. (2009). Rapid functional maturation of nascent dendritic spines. Neuron, 61(2), 247--258. Elsevier.
- Zito, Karen, Knott, G., Shepherd, G. M. G., Shenolikar, S., & Svoboda, K. (2004). Induction of spine growth and synapse formation by regulation of the spine actin cytoskeleton. Neuron, 44(2), 321-34.