ScanImage and Ephus can be customized and extended via user functions which respond to events generated by ScanImage or Ephus. In ScanImage, for more advanced requirements, user functions can be written to follow a 'plugin' pattern, in which the same function responds to multiple events.
To promote code sharing, to either reuse or mimic, we maintain a repository here of user functions and plugins developed by either the core developers or members of the ScanImage/Ephus user communities.
Please let us know if you have any user functions or plugins that you would like to contribute!
See User Functions & Plugins for more information about these topics in ScanImage.
The ScanImage releases contain a 'Samples' folder which include user functions, several following the 'plugin' pattern. These are briefly enumerated below.
Developer Samples
SI4 Samples
SI3 Samples
Function Name |
Description |
borghuis_roiPlot.m |
hantman_legoControl.m |
hantman_stimPulse.m |
Community Contributions
Function/Plugin Name |
Contributor |
Brief Description |
ScanImage Version(s) |
Download File |
Comments |
{text-data:Name |
width=100px] |
Unknown macro: {text-data} |
Unknown macro: {text-data} |
Unknown macro: {text-data} |
Unknown macro: {attachment-data} |
Unknown macro: {text-data} |