ScanImage 5 will be released in two parts, SI5-Resonant and SI5-Flex.
Early-Access Release(s) | Release | Comments | |
SI5-Resonant | May 2014 | SFN 2014 |
SI5-Flex (5.1) | SFN 2014 & | SFN 2015 |
Early-access releases will be available exclusively to ScanImage 5 members.
ScanImage 5 will have customization layers for both CPU and FPGA-based processing (latter for resonant scanned imaging only) which can be used to implement online or real-time analysis, including closed-loop experiments with parallel imaging and (photo)stimulus.
Vidrio has completed an SI5.0 alpha version using the NI FPGA (FlexRIO) hardware. The SI5 early-access release for May 2014 is on track!
SI5.0 Scanner Hardware
ScanImage 5.0 requires a pair of scanners (one resonant and one galvo scanner) to achieve video-rate area scanning operation.
This pair can be ordered as a system, or as individual components
SI 5.0 supports the following scanner systems (resonant and galvo scanner combo) and components (separate resonant and galvo scanner items):
SI 5.0 Scanner Systems
The following systems combine a resonant scanner and galvo scanner into a single package/system
- Sutter Instrument system
- Resonant Scan Box
- MOM-Resonant microscope systems
SI 5.0 Resonant Scanner Components
The following resonant scanner components will work with SI5
- Cambridge Technology components
- CRS 8Khz (part 6SC08KA012-02Y)
- CRS 12Khz (part 6SC12KA012-02Y)
- Classic CRS-8 scanner
SI 5.0 Galvo Scanner Components
Any analog-driven galvo scanner component, including galvanometer-mounted mirror and servo driver circuit, can be used.
The following are typical choices from Cambridge Technology
Class 0 servo topology is recommended, but not required
SI5.0 DAQ Hardware
DAQ Hardware
ScanImage 5 Resonant will use National Instruments PXI FlexRIO platform.
The system consists of three components: PXI chassis, FPGA Module, and digitizer module.
For ScanImage 5, the following system configurations are supported & recommended:
Chassis | FPGA Module | Digitizer Adapter | Comments | |
Basic 2 Channel | PXIe-1073 | PXIe-7961R | NI 5732 | Lowest cost, under $10K |
Basic 4 Channel | PXIe-1073 | PXIe-7961R | NI 5734 | |
Performance | PXIe-1073 | PXIe-7975R | NI 5732 | PXIe-7975R supports greater real-time image processing possibilities. Support for NI 5732 model expected by August 2014. |
Performance 4 Channel | PXIe-1073 | PXIe-7975R | NI 5734 | PXIe-7975R supports greater real-time image processing possibilities. Support for NI 5732 model expected by August 2014. |
ScanImage 5 will include pre-complied FPGA bitfiles - one for each of the FPGA/Digitizer combinations above. Whitepaper on how to download bitfiles to FPGA hardware.
Contact scanimage5@vidriotech.com for information about other FlexRIO system configurations that may be suited for ScanImage
FPGA Module Choices
SI5 users needing to start before Fall 2014 should get the PXIe7961R. All core SI5 capabilities will be supported with this low-cost FPGA module.
SI5 users who can wait till after August may choose the PXIe-7975R, or possible future boards from NI, which will offer greater processing power.
The 7975R is NOT needed for core SI5 resonant scanning functionality, but it may provide more headroom for advanced real-time image processing & control applications anticipated as future possibilities.
Going forward: Vidrio plans to support any new FPGA modules from National Instruments that provide added value for ScanImage applications, as they may become available
Control DAQ Hardware
SI5 requires 1-3 additional X Series multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) boards for resonant scanning operation.
Board # | Purpose | Req/Opt | Options |
1 | Y Galvo control | Required | PXIe-6341 |
2 | Pockels control | Optional | PCIe-6321 or PXIe-6341 |
3 | Piezo/FastZ control | Optional | PCIe-6321 or PXIe-6341 |
For boards 2 &3, the PXIe option is moderately more expensive, but this 1) reduces wiring complexity between boards and 2) reduces the number of PCIe slots required in the computer (or makes more available)
Computer Hardware
Example tested ScanImage 5 computer systems will be provided by the early-access release date.