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ScanImage 5 will be released in two parts, SI5-Resonant and SI5-Flex.

SI5-ResonantMay 2014SFN 2014
  • Recapitulate ScanImage 4 (resonant scanning) features with
    more flexible and powerful NI FPGA hardware.

SFN 2014 &
March 2015

SFN 2015
  • By SFN 2014: Recapitulate ScanImage 3 (galvo scanning) features and add features requested by SI5 Founding Members
  • By March 2015: Support both galvo and resonant scanning modes plus multi-scanner modes for photostimulation,
    random-access imaging, and photoablation applications

Early-access releases will be available to ScanImage 5 founding members.

ScanImage 5 will have  customization layers for both CPU and FPGA-based processing (latter for resonant scanned imaging only) which can be used to implement online or real-time analysis, including closed-loop experiments with parallel imaging and (photo)stimulus.       

SI5-Resonant Scanning Hardware

For resonant scanned raster imaging, both digitizer hardware and scanner hardware are required.

Digitizer Hardware

ScanImage 5 Resonant will use National Instruments PXI FlexRIO platform.
The system consists of three components: PXI chassis, FPGA Module, and digitizer module.

The NI system bundles with SI5 support include:

Component TypeSI5 Supported PartsComments
PXI ChassisPXIe-1073 chassis
  • The PXIe-1073 is a 5-slot 'remote controller' chassis connecting to the computer via a PCIe (PCI Express) card. Both PCIe card and cable are included.
  • More advanced chassis options will work as well.
FPGA Module



  • PXIe-7975R (and other new devices) will also be supported, after August 2014. Offers greater processing power than 7961R.
    In August 2014, NI will add support for NI 5732/4 digitizer modules with the PXIe-7975.
  • PXIe-7962R will also be supported (bitfiles provided), but not as extensively tested
  • PXIe-7965/6R is NOT recommended at this time, as the PXIe-7975R will offer greater performance per unit cost.
Digitizer Module

NI 5732  (2 Chans/80MHz)

NI 5734 (4 Chans/120MHz) 



Scanner Hardware

Sutter Components

Sutter Instrument company offers a Resonant Scan Box component combining the required components in a sound-proof housing.

Both the Sutter standalone Resonant Scan Box and their full MOM-Resonant microscope system will be compatible with ScanImage 5.

New & Old CRS Scanner Models

ScanImage 5 supports the CRS Resonant Scanner system from Cambridge Technology. Recently, Cambridge is offering a new CRS Resonant Scanner Driver board (part 6SC08KA012-02Y with new 711-80159 driver board). The new systems (reportedly) provide improved synchronization and are optimized for use at maximal scan angles.

Vidrio engineers will test this new scanner system before April 1, 2014. Prospective ScanImage 5 users may elect to wait until this assessment before purchasing a scanner system.

Note that 'classic' CRS scanner systems will also be fully supported.

For resonant scanned raster imaging, users require 1x each of:

Resonant Scanner: Cambridge Technologies CRS-8 or CRS-12 scanner (older or newer systems. Includes control board.

Galvo Scanner: Cambridge Technologies 6210 or 6215 galvo system (typ. with 4-6mm mirror), with servo control board. Other analog-control galvos also supported.


(warning) CRS-12 support will not be ready by the SI5-Resonant early-access release date; its support is planned by SFN 2014

(info) Galvo system's max slew rate can impact the frame rate achievable at larger fields-of-view. Slower slew rates require a larger number of resonant scanner line periods for galvo flyback.

SI5-Flex Galvo Scanning Hardware 

SI5-Flex will support various galvo scanning modes, including galvo-only and galvo-plus-resonant combinations. 

This section lists hardware support for the SI5-Flex galvo scanning features to be provided by the SFN 2014 early-access release date.

Digitizer Hardware

SI5-Flex will support the following input digitizer options:

FamilyModel Number(s)Comments
PCIe X SeriesPCIe-6351, PCIe-6353PCIe-6351/6353 recommended for no-Pockels/Pockels cases, respectively
PXIe X SeriesPXIe-6356, PXIe-6358PXIe boards fit into chassis used for resonant scanning (if applicable). PXIe-6356/6358 recommended for no-Pockels/Pockels cases, respectively.
S SeriesPCI-6110Not recommended for new systems, but will remain supported. A PCI slot and full-size computer case is required to house this board.

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Scanner Hardware

An X/Y analog-controlled galvo scanner pair is required.  Cambridge Technologies 6210 or 6215 galvo system (typ. with 3-6mm mirrors) is typical. Galvo system characteristics impact attainable line speed and performance of future scan modes.


Computer Hardware

Example tested ScanImage 5 computer systems will be provided by the early-access release date.










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