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Command-line warnings and messages

Warning: mapper_pockelsCellPreprocessor

Warning: mapper_pockelsCellPreprocessor - Pockels cell calibration or control signal may be invalid. Voltages were found to be out of range - OVER_VOLTAGE

COMMENTS: This type of warning message is triggered when the photodiode signal is too high (over_voltage) or too low (under_voltage), indicating a problem with the Pockels cell or its calibration. The warning can be suppressed by commenting out the relevant lines in the mapper_pockelsCellPreprocessor file. Alternatively, follow the instructions in the warning message to set 'fake' Pockels calibration data:

To set "fake" pockels cell calibration data, run: setGlobal(progmanager, 'coeffs', 'mapper', 'mapper', [0 0.1 0.1 0.1]')

Warning - 'ephys'_Stop: Failed to set 0V for channel '700B-1-VCom' when stopping acquisition because the device is in use.

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