Cycle mode allows control and timing of acquisition sequences. Cycle acquisitions are started when 1) is enabled on the Cycle Controls panel and 2) a LOOP acquisition is started.

Cycle acquisitions consist of Iterations each of which is a Loop of 1 or more acquisitions (Loop Repeats) – i.e. a Cycle is effectively a meta-loop, or loop of loops.

At the start of each Cycle Iteration, one or more of the following actions can be specified:

  • Wait a specified Iteration Delay before starting Iteration acquisition
  • Load a specified Configuration (CFG) file, updating configuration parameters to use for that iteration's acquisition(s)
  • Step motor by specified increment, or move motor to coordinates associated with specified ROI ID or Position ID
  • Update ROI Scan Parameters to those associated with specified ROI ID
  • Override Configuration parameters (e.g. # Repeats, # Frames, # Slices, etc) with Iteration-specific values

See the Cycle Controls panel for details on how to configure a Cycle mode acquisition.

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