Configuration Files

Ephus saves configuration information for the various programs and GUIs using configuration files, which have the *.settings extension.

For example, settings for the acquirer GUI are saved in acquirer.settings, those for the mapper in mapper.settings, etc.

The information that is stored includes the parameter values for the controls in the GUI, plus additional program-specific parameters.

Configuration Sets

Configuration Sets are just that - a collection of *.settings files, within a single folder.

Loading a configuration set causes a group of settings to be applied.

Working with Configuration Sets and Files

In the standard Ephus menubar, use File>Program Manager to access options for loading and saving configuration files and sets of files.

For example, in any given program, File>Program Manager>Save Configuration allows the user to interactively specify the directory in which to save the *.settings file for that program. Note that with this option, a single file is saved; the filename should be the same as the program name (e.g. 'mapper').

From any program, File>Program Manager>Save Configuration Set allows the user to interactively specify the directory in which to save all the *.settings files for all programs. Note that with this option, it is the directory that is specified.

(tick)   Tip: because of the comprehensive nature of 'Save Configuration Set', most users find it most convenient to have a single Configuration Set; i.e., one directory for their basic Ephus layout specified, and to use the hotswitch to configure a number of variations on this basic configuration. However, Ephus allows one to have multiple Configuration Sets, too. Suggested practice is to load different Configuration Sets when a large number of program settings need to be changed, and to use hotswitches when a relatively small number of program settings need to be changed.


To remove a *.settings file, simply delete it using your system's file browser.
If a *.settings file for any program missing from a directory that is selected via the Load/Save Configuration Set option, that file will be generated automatically at that time.

Copy Settings

To copy settings (i.e. .settings files, such as make up a configuration set, or a hotswitch), use the command-line Matlab function ephus_util_clonesettings, which copies a settings folder tree. This can be useful when a rig will be shared by multiple users, and you wish to use an existing user's settings as a starting point for a new user. See the Matlab help for this function for additional information. When called without arguments, the user is prompted to select source and target folders - these can also be supplied as arguments at the command-line. This function is also available under the File menu.

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