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Unknown macro: {alias}

Unknown macro: {center}

3 dimensions (left); 4 dimensions (right)


The Motor Controls panel pertains to the (optional) control of a stage/motor controller system supported by ScanImage. See the ScanImage Hardware Reference for information about the currently supported controllers/stages.

The Motor Controls panel only appears on ScanImage startup if

Unknown macro: {vi-statevar}

is enabled in the INI File. Other settings related to the MP-285 must also be properly configured in the INI File, including the correct specification of the COM port used to communicate with the MP-285 over an RS-232 (serial port) connection.

If a Secondary Z motor controller is activated in the INI File (

Unknown macro: {vi-statevar}

specified), and the primary motor controller is configured as

Unknown macro: {vi-statevar}

='XYZ', then the Motor Controls controls 4 dimensions in total (the XYZ-Z configuration), as shown at right above. In all other configurations, (XY, Z, XYZ, XY-Z), 3 dimensions are shown, as at left above (inactive dimensions, if any, are shown with value 0).

Section A: Current Motor Position

ScanImage vs Motor Relative

ScanImage has its own notion of relative positions, independent of the relative coordinates maintained by some motor controllers, such as the Sutter MP285. To make this distinction clear, the coordinate sets are referred to below as ScanImage Relative and Motor Relative.

  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : These controls play two roles –
    • They display the most recent position read from the motor controller in each of the 3-4 axes.
    • Entering a value for any of the axes commands the motor to move to the specified position for that axis. Following the move, the position will be read and updated for all three axes.

ScanImage always reads the Motor Absolute position from the motor. By default (at ScanImage startup), ScanImage displays and interprets positions in Motor Absolute coordinates. This remains true until (and only if) coordinates are converted to ScanImage Relative coordinates by pressing one of the

Unknown macro: {blue}


  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Forces ScanImage to read the current motor position in all three axes and to update the displayed
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    values, e.g. following manual adjustment of the motor position using the motor controller outside of ScanImage control.
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Read-only control that displays the squared-sum of the 3-4 displayed
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    This is most useful when using ScanImage Relative coordinates in all 3-4 axes, as it then indicates the distance from the ScanImage Relative origin.
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Pressing these buttons forces ScanImage Relative positions to be used in the specified axes (if not used already) and resets the relative origin in the specified axes to the current position (which is first read from the motor controller).

Once ScanImage Relative positions are used in a particular axes, there is no returning to Motor Absolute coordinates. Pressing

Unknown macro: {blue}

again simply sets a new ScanImage Relative origin (in the specified axes).

  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : In 4-dimension XYZ-Z case, enabling/disabling this checkbox determines whether primary (disabled) or secondary (enabled) Z motor controller pertains for:
    • Unknown macro: {blue}
    • Unknown macro: {blue}
      step with arrow controls
    • Stack acquisitions

In 4-dimension XYZ-Z case, the

Unknown macro: {blue}

operation sets ScanImage relative origin for all 4 dimensions (i.e. regardless of the

Unknown macro: {blue}

checkbox state).

Matching Relative Coordinates

A common and recommended approach is to set both the motor controller and ScanImage to operate in matched Relative coordinates. The procedure to accomplish this is as follows:

  1. Adjust the motor controller to display Motor Relative positions, if not already. (For the MP-285, display of Motor Absolute and Motor Relative positions is toggled by hitting <ENTR>)
  2. Set the Motor Relative position to zero at some desired position. (For the MP-285, this is done by hitting <0>,<ENTR>).
  3. Immediately afterwards, press

Unknown macro: {blue}

to set the ScanImage Relative position.

At this point, both the motor controller and ScanImage are operating in Relative coordinates, at position (0,0,0). If desired, these steps can be repeated later at new physical position(s), updating both Relative origins in tandem.

  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    Arrows/Steps: Increment or decrement stage position in X, Y, or Z dimension by the specified step, in microns. In 4-dimension XYZ-Z case, the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    value determines which motor controller is used when incrementing/decrementing the Z position.

Section B: Image Stack Acquisition

These controls allow the collection of Image Stack. When the value of

Unknown macro: {blue}

is greater than 1, an Image Stack is implied for each GRAB or LOOP Repeat. Each Slice is an individually triggered acquisition taken at a distinct axial (Z) position, consisting of one or more Frames as specified by

Unknown macro: {blue}

on the Main Controls panel.

The controls in this section also allow the endpoints of the Image Stack to be determined interactively, e.g. by manually focusing to axial (Z) boundaries of a volume-of-interest while using FOCUS mode acquisition.

  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    Specifies the number of Slices to collect during the Image Stack acquisition
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    Specifies the axial (Z) step to take with the stage/motor controller between each Slice
    Either a positive or negative value can be specified, so the motion may proceed in either axial direction
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Specifies that stage/motor controller returns to the Home position – the initial position when GRAB or LOOP is initiated – following the GRAB acquisition or LOOP Repeat, so that subsequent acquisitions or Repeats occur at the same axial positions.
    If this option is not enabled when using LOOP mode, then successive Repeats will image progressively further along the axial direction specified
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    is disabled, the first Slice in the Image Stack (or first Image Stack within a LOOP acquisition) is taken at the Home position – i.e. the motor does not move until after the first Slice is acquired.
    At this time, external triggering is not supported for Image Stack acquisitions
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : If enabled, motor position at start of Image Stack acquisition is taken as the center of the stack. Motor is moved backwards by half the total span implied by
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    prior to the start of the stack acquisition.
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    is even, then no Slice acquisition will occur at exactly the starting
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Button functions equivalently to
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    button one Main Controls panel except that, before the acquisition:
    • Motor is moved to Z position set as
      Unknown macro: {blue}
    • If
      Unknown macro: {blue}
      is enabled on the Power Controls, power is adjusted to value measured for each beam(s) when
      Unknown macro: {blue}
      was last set
      In addition, this
      Unknown macro: {blue}
      button must be used for
      Unknown macro: {blue}
      to have an effect (see below)
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    Pressing one of these buttons reads the current motor position in the Z axis (updating the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    position display) and stores this value as the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    position displayed alongside the buttons. In addition, the start and end powers are measured and stored, which can be recalled on Image Stack acquisitions started by
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    on Motor Controls, subject to other controls described below.
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    value has no effect, unless
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    is selected
    The coordinates displayed are in either ScanImage Absolute or Relative coordinates, depending on whether
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    represents Absolute or Relative positions (i.e. whether
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    has been selected since ScanImage started).
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    If enabled, adjustments to either
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    will automatically adjust the other parameter, so that the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    values defined remain in effect.
    If the checkbox is deselected, any change to the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    will clear the stack start/endpoints.
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}


    Unknown macro: {blue}

    is selected, stack acquisitions initiated via the

    Unknown macro: {blue}

    button on the Motor Controls panel (rather than from Main Controls) will override the

    Unknown macro: {blue}

    (power length constant) value on the Power Controls panel (assuming

    Unknown macro: {blue}

    is enabled on that panel). Instead the Lz value is computed from power levels measured at the endpoints of the stack determined by the

    Unknown macro: {blue}



    Unknown macro: {blue}

    selected, user will typically use

    Unknown macro: {blue}

    mode to adjust power and Z position at both the start and end points of stack, pressing

    Unknown macro: {blue}


    Unknown macro: {blue}

    buttons at each point, respectively to record both the Z position and power level(i.e. using a higher power at the deeper endpoint). Then Lz can simply be computed and this value is used instead of that specified in the Power Controls panel


    Unknown macro: {blue}

    is used, the computed Lz value is displayed to Matlab command line, for each beam. Users may find that this is a useful way to measure/determine Lz for their preparation. User can then simply enter this value in the

    Unknown macro: {blue}

    control on the Power Controls panel and save value to USR file. Assuming that value is fairly consistent from sample to sample (for given sample type), this avoids need to adjust and record power at both start and end points of each stack.

    If multiple Beams are used, a separate Lz value is computed/used for each beam, i.e. power level for each Beam is measured independently at each endpoint.

Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt}

If value of

Unknown macro: {blue}

=Inf for a particular Beam in the Power Controls panel, then power auto-adjustment is disabled for that Beam, regardless of

Unknown macro: {blue}

setting. Additionally, the start power is not adjusted for that Beam when

Unknown macro: {blue}

is pressed on Motor Controls.
Thus, to use the

Unknown macro: {blue}

feature and to ensure start power is adjusted to that set on setting

Unknown macro: {blue}

, some (arbitrary) value (other than Inf) should be entered for each Beam.

Section C: Motor Positions

  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Indicates the Position ID matching the last-read motor position (shown in
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    display), if any, to within the current Position Tolerance. User can select another Position ID from the dropdown menu to initiate motor move to those stored position coordinates.
    If current position does not match any currently defined Position ID, then an empty string is displayed.
  • Unknown macro: {blue}
    : Read the current motor position (updating the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    display) and create new identified Position in the Position Controls panel.
Unknown macro: {comment}

Cycle Mode

The controls in this section are mainly useful in relation to Cycle Mode operation, which allows for automated/repeated imaging at a defined list, or array, of motor positions. This mode is disabled in ScanImage 3.6. It is functional in ScanImage 3.5.1 and is intended to be supported again in a future ScanImage release.

The controls in this section allow triads of

Unknown macro: {blue}

position values to be saved and recalled. Selecting

Unknown macro: {blue}

stores the current

Unknown macro: {blue}

positions as a triad to the currently indicated

Unknown macro: {blue}

. Later selecting

Unknown macro: {blue}

will command motor to move to the currently indicated

Unknown macro: {blue}

, if a value has been stored.

The entire set of stored

Unknown macro: {blue}

position values can be saved to disk as a .POS (position) file, by selecting

Unknown macro: {blue}

. Likewise, an entire set of stored values can be recalled (eliminating any currently stored values) by selecting

Unknown macro: {blue}


Unknown macro: {comment}

Resetting Motor Operation Following Faults

Occasionally, a motor operation (move, read, or other command) may fail during ScanImage operation. This occurrence should be quite rare.

In the event that a motor operation fails during ScanImage execution, the Motor Controls panel will inactivate its controls and display a large

Unknown macro: {blue}

button as depicted here:

Unknown macro: {vi-indent}

_Motor Controls panel displays prominent

Unknown macro: {blue}

button in event of motor operation error during ScanImage execution_

  • Pressing the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    button will often restore motor operation, and then causes the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    positions to be updated.
  • If the
    Unknown macro: {blue}
    action is unsuccessful, then it is recommended to physically reset the motor controller (the MP-285 has a physical reset button) and then press
    Unknown macro: {blue}
Unknown macro: {vi-indent}

If the Motor Controls panel is in the 'reset' state, ScanImage operation can continue, but no further operations involving the motor controller can be undertaken

  • No labels