All settings in the User Settings panel are (unsurprisingly) User Settings, i.e. saved to USR files.
- Unknown macro: {blue}: When external start triggering is enabled, viaUnknown macro: {blue}button on Main Controls, this specifies length of time to wait for external trigger to arrive following start of a GRAB acquisition or LOOP Repeat before generating a timeout error.
Root Save Path Settings
ScanImage typically requires that user specify a save path, via
or the
button on the Main Controls, before the first GRAB/LOOP acquisition in a ScanImage session.
- Unknown macro: {blue}: Specifies root folder to display when selectingUnknown macro: {blue}to specify path for file-saving. By selecting a folder at root of hierarchy where user stores data files, the selection of the save path is made much faster.
For example, the folder C:\Data or C:\Data\MyName might be specified, so one can readily select/create subfolder identifying date or other grouping folder immediately below this root in the system folder hierarchy
- Unknown macro: {blue}: Specifies thatUnknown macro: {blue}is the default save path if none other has been specified. Selecting this option allows user to avoid requirement of specifying a save path (Unknown macro: {blue}) for each ScanImage session.
This option works best when user employs a flat file hierarchy, e.g. if the
Unknown macro: {blue}values specified in Main Controls will contain date information and/or other prefix information to allow files and file groups to be identified.
Running Frame Buffer Settings
Although ScanImage normally saves each frame to disk as it is acquired, it is often useful to maintain recently acquired frames in RAM, e.g. for online processing by User Functions.
ScanImage therefore maintains a circular running buffer of the most recently acquired frames in the
state variable (in the Matlab global workspace).
This variable is a nested cell array of 2-D images (frames), indexed as follows:
>> state.acq.acquiredData{<FrameIndex>}{<ChannelIndex>}(<lineIndex>,<pixelIndex>)
where <FrameIndex> counts from the most recent frame.
In previous ScanImage versions, this variable was structured as a cell array of 3D arrays
- Unknown macro: {blue}:
These values specify the number of the most recent frames to store in RAM, in theUnknown macro: {vi-statevar}state variable, whenUnknown macro: {blue}is ON/OFF on the Main Controls panel.
Value of Inf indicates to buffer the entire acquisition. This is default value when
Unknown macro: {blue}is OFF, so that entire acquisition can be saved after it completes, manually usingUnknown macro: {blue}
is ON panel, ScanImage saves each frame of data to open filestream during acquisition
control on the Main Controls and
control on the Configuration panel are linked/equivalent
Focus Options
- Unknown macro: {blue}: If enabled, FOCUS acquisitions continue indefinitely untilUnknown macro: {blue}is pressed
Power Control
- Unknown macro: {blue}This option causes the actual power level to be measured using the photodiode (or other power detector), as configured in the INI File for each Beam, following any change to the ScanImage Configuration. The measured value is referenced to the current Pockels Calibration for each Beam, and theUnknown macro: {blue}level value is updated to match the measured level.
A change in the user-specified
Unknown macro: {blue}level is a change to the Configuration, so a measurement will occur.
Hot Keys
Other Settings
- Unknown macro: {blue}: If enabled,Unknown macro: {blue}can be set to sub-unity values on the Main Controls panel. This allows the scan angular range to exceed theUnknown macro: {vi-statevar}values specified in the INI File.