Be Counted!
If your lab/entity is or will soon be actively using/trying ScanImage and/or Ephus, please respond to the (brief) 2011-2012 USER SURVEY if you haven't already.
We now require a response to this brief, periodic (every year or two) survey from each lab as part of our terms-of-use. We need this accurate head count of the number of labs, rigs, and users of ScanImage and Ephus in order to justify continued long-term funding for these development efforts.
As of 1/28/2013, 180 ScanImage-using labs and 75 Ephus-using labs (total of 197 using either/both) have self-identified via the concluded 2011/2012 user survey, including current and beginning users and those definitely planning to use/try ScanImage/Ephus through 2012.
You can see highlights of the survey below and/or browse the detailed results.
Lab Profiles
Countries (23): Australia,Belgium,Canada,Chile,China,Denmark,France,Germany,India,Israel,Japan,Mexico,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Romania,South Korea,Spain,Switzerland,Taiwan,UK,Ukraine,USA
Neuroscience Related: 185/197 (93.9%)
Not Biomedically Oriented: 7/197 (3.6%)
ScanImage Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 247 (1.38/lab)
# Current Users: 468 (2.61/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 124
# Planned New Users(2011-2012): 287
Ephus Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 104 (1.35/lab)
# Current Users: 144 (1.87/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 70
# Planned New Users (2011-2012): 120
Informal Count
Since 2008, there have been over 300 registrations on the ScanImage/Ephus wiki site.
Informally, we presently count over 100 labs believed to be actively using ScanImage – based on our conversations with users and the community.
We are currently running the 2011-2012 ScanImage/Ephus Usage Survey to get a more formal count of the number of labs, rigs, and users employing ScanImage/Ephus, as we prepare to apply for renewed funding.
Survey Results (12-28-2011)
As of 12/28/2011, 76 ScanImage-using labs and 34 Ephus-using labs have self-identified via the ongoing user survey, including both current users and those definitely planning to use/try ScanImage/Ephus in 2011-2012.You can see highlights of the survey below and/or browse the detailed results (live updated).
Lab Profiles
Countries (10): Australia,Canada,Denmark,Germany,Japan,Norway,Portugal,Switzerland,UK,USA
ScanImage Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 112 (1.47/lab)
# Current Users: 223 (2.90/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 42
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 92
Ephus Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 51 (1.65/lab)
# Current Users: 65 (2.10/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 29
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 48
Survey Results (11-28-2011)
As of 11/28/2011, 51 ScanImage users and 21 Ephus users have been self-identified via the ongoing user survey, including both current users and those definitely planning to use/try ScanImage/Ephus in 2011-2012.You can see highlights of the survey below and/or browse the detailed results (live updated).
Lab Profiles
ScanImage Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 80 (1.54/lab)
# Current Users: 149 (2.87/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 18
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 33
Ephus Usage, by Lab
# Current Rigs: 33 (1.83/lab)
# Current Users: 42 (2.33/lab)
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 14
# Planned New Rigs (2011-2012): 19