Svoboda Lab code (related to device control and data acquisition) lives on a Janelia Farm Subversion server.
The address for this code repository is at It lives on the external network, and is thus available to users/developers outside Janelia Farm. It is maintained by Goran Ceric in Scientific Computing.
Tags (Release Versions)
As per the Subversion standard, release versions are stored in the tags subdirectory of this repository.
The history of ScanImage releases, as well as the full release of "Generation 1" software (includes ScanImage V3.0 and Physiology), was recreated in the repository. Each of these are available as folders within the tags subdirectory.
Current releases are tagged according to the following convention: <version #>.<major revision #>.<minor revision #>[.<patch #>]. Versions refer to major conceptual or codebase changes in the software. Major revisions refer to "significant" feature additions, bug fixes, and/or code changes. Minor revisions are less significant feature additions, bug fixes, code changes. This third number may increment on the time-scale of days. The fourth number appears only when changes are made to correct or improve a previous version, in cases where an upgrade is not feasible or practical for some users.
Releases are intended for now to contain the entire codebase, so everybody gets all functionality, regardless of whether they use it. Relases will be obtained by users en masse--working copies of each of the tagged releases will be made available on our website. In certain cases where only a small number of files are affected, releases may also be made available as "patches" (note: not a subversion patch). Releases of this smaller number of files will be denoted by the release number, as described above, and the letter "p", appended at the end.
Branches (Planned development organization)
As per the Subversion standard, the main development of the Svoboda lab control/daq software proceeds in the trunk subdirectory of the repository. Following the standard further, ongoing code changes and/or feature additions meeting some threshold of significance proceeds in folders within the root branches subdirectory of the repository.
It was agreed that the ability to commit changes to the trunk would be limited to the "core development team." This team is assumed to be communicating frequently among its members, and will make decisions along the way as to what ongoing work can be done directly as commits to the trunk, and which work should be done in one or more branches that would later reincorporated into the trunk via a merge procedure. Such decisions will take into account the extent to which efforts in the team are parallel (and thus likely to involve overlapping changes to the same files).
At present, the core development team consists of Tim O'Connor.
We refer to developers not on the "core development team" as "satellite developers". Our convention is that these developers are not generally permitted to directly commit changes to the trunk.
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