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Wiring Instructions

  • Second NI X Series board required for SI 4 operation. Can use second PCIe-6321.
  • Frame Clock Terminal connection is required
  • Self Trig Source and Self Trig Destination Line connection is required
  • Shutter, Pockels, and External Start Trig connections are optional
  • Line Trig Terminal connection required only if using Pockels

Software Installation

  1. Create a ScanImage folder at desired path location (suggestions: C:\Program Files\ScanImage or C:\My Documents\Matlab\ScanImage). Location is hereafter referred to as <ScanImage>.
  2. Extract ZIP file into selected folder, adjusting name as desired to fully describe version. This creates a version folder <ScanImage>\<Version Name>
  3. Launch Matlab and select Set Path... from the File menu
  4. Press the button Add with Subfolders... and, when prompted, select the directory <ScanImage>\<Version Name>. This adds the ScanImage installation contents to the top of Matlab search path.
  5. Start ScanImage by typing scanimage4. You will be prompted to create or identify a Machine Data File. See next section for discussion.

Machine Data File Configuration

On first startup of ScanImage 4, you will be prompted to create or select a Machine Data File. Choose to create one.

This will open a Matlab M file in the Matlab editor containing several assignment statements. Each of the statements includes comments which describe what needs to be set.

File is divided into sections (Matlab 'cells') delimited by comment lines with 2 percent signs, e.g. '%%ScanImage'.

%%ScanImage Section

Sections below **OPTIONAL*** pertain to optional hardware, e.g. motor, Pockels, shutter, piezo, etc.

Key things to set:
primaryDeviceID: Set to device name for ScanImage NI board, e.g. 'Dev2'
extFrameClockTerminal: Typically leave as default, 0, signifying PFI0
trigSelfTrigSourceLineID: Typically leave as default, 0, signifying P0.0
trigSelfTrigDestinationTerminal: Typically leave as default, 2, signifying PFI2
trigSelfTrigSourceDeviceID: Typically leave as default, '', signifying to use primaryDeviceID board

%%Thorlabs Devices

Select the API version being used – right now valid options are: '0.1.9' and '1.1'

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